Featured Articles

Spent the weekend crafting a delightful animated card using @chakra_ui and @framer motion! 🌟✨
Â24th December 2023
Â🚀 The Concept: The idea of an animated card took shape in my mind, and I couldn't wait to turn it...
ChakraUI TemplatesKart - UI updates
20th July 2022
This article presents new UI changes in TemplatesKart. See what new changes I made.
New landing page of TemplatesKart website
Â29th May 2022
ÂOn weekend, I modified landing page of TemplatesKart website. Have a look what changes I made.
Free 12 New Chakra UI components - TemplatesKart
Â15th May 2022
ÂFind out 12 new chakra-ui components that I have added to TemplatesKart website.
8th May 2022
Find out 10 new chakra-ui components that I added to TemplatesKart website.
Free 10 Chakra UI components - TemplatesKart
4th May 2022
Find out 10 new chakra-ui components that I added to TemplatesKart website.
Find out 8 new chakraUI components that I built
Â28th April 2022
ÂI added 8 new components to TemplatesKart website. Components categories are cards, forms, blog and testimonials.
24th April 2022
A powerful set of fully responsive and accessible React components and projects
TemplatesKart | Free Chakra UI Components and Projects
Â19th April 2022
ÂA powerful set of fully responsive and accessible React components and projects
31st January 2022
A Changelog page for any website is a good way to keep your audience up to date with new and meaningful changes.
Started 2022 by updating portfolio website
Â21st January 2022
ÂI was thinking about making some changes in my portfolio website since past few months. I couldn't able to do so in 2021. So I started 2022 by updating my portfolio. I want to share what major changes I made.
Find out what's new in my portfolio website
Â1st September 2021
ÂI want to share new updated version of my portfolio website. Here is the list of new features and changes I made in my portfolio website.
31st July 2021
ÂI have been writing on dev.to for more than 1 year. I really like to write articles on dev.to but now I wanted to write posts on my portfolio also.

Let's build Hulu clone with Next.js & Tailwind
Â21st July 2021
ÂI'll be creating a Hulu webpage clone with Next.js and Tailwind. Live demo: hulu-clone-live Github...

Let's create a portfolio website using Dev.to as a CMS
Â13th July 2021
ÂI have created multiple portfolio website templates using ChakraUI and React. You can check my...
Let's build Dev.to clone with Next.js & ChakraUI
Â26th June 2021
ÂLearn how to clone dev.to with the actual dev.to api to get the posts and listings.

24th June 2021
Create new rails app Install following Gems gem 'nokogiri' gem 'open-uri' Enter...

24th June 2021
ÂI was not expecting to get Next.js badge so early because currently I'm learning it and it was my 2nd...

23rd June 2021
ÂIn this part, We'll continue with main section and then we'll create footer. Github Repo:...

22nd June 2021
In part 1, We created header section. Now in this part We'll create main section. Github Repo:...

21st June 2021
1.Create a Nextjs app yarn create next-app --typescript Enter fullscreen mode ...

20th June 2021
ÂCurrently, I'm learning Nextjs and Typescript. And for learning perspective I decided to rebuilt my...

Migrating a notebook app from react to Next.js
Â29th May 2021
ÂI created a notebook app in react a few months ago. I wrote article about it. ...

25th May 2021
Portfolio card post Create a portfolio card with...

24th May 2021
Built with Front-end library - Reactjs UI components - Chakra UI Animation library -...

23rd May 2021
This is a base project to quickly spin up a React+Rails application. If you want to create a react...

11th May 2021
ÂI have already created 2 portfolio websites. Here is my 3rd portfolio website. This is a very simple...

29th April 2021
This is a base project to quickly spin up a Rails+Tailwindcss application. I'm using it for my rails...

9th April 2021
Today I updated my portfolio website with a story page. At the moment, I'm...

Build Portfolio website with React and ChakraUi
Â3rd April 2021
ÂPages About Skills Career Education Articles Blog posts Open-source ...

2nd April 2021
ÂFeatures CRUD operations Responsiveness Beautiful animations Image slider ...